Effort United Methodist Church

 Welcoming All to Grow as Followers of Jesus Christ.

In-Person Worship Services - Every Sunday 8:30 and 11:00am.  
Children's Church and Nursery is available during the 11:00am Service.  

Livestreamed service is available starting @ 8:30 am Sunday morning on this website 
(Go to the "Stream" tab above to access livestreamed services).   

"You will be my witnesses...to the ends of the earth."  - Acts 1:8

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While you're here, why not check out our Newsletter under the News Tab above. Our Editor, Joy Manno, does a phenomenal job of creatively putting it together in a way that is informative and joyful all at the same time!!

Seeker's Bible Study meets every Monday from 10:00- 11:30am.

  In-person in Wesley Hall - Come and be encouraged!

The Body of Christ

Love Your Neighbor

Weekly Sermon

Upcoming Events

Our Core Values at E.U.M.C.

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  • Slide title

    In Remembrance of Me -- Jesus

  • Slide title

    Jesus, the greatest of all gifts.

  • Slide title

    The Sacrament of Baptism -- an outward sign of an inward grace.

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